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We are a 501(c)3 non profit organization. We spay/neuter & microchip dogs and cats for low income residents of Galveston County.

You can use the hours for community service or to help boost your application to jobs and colleges! We look forward to any kind of contributions, as well as working with you!

There are many different ways to volunteer. You can help with events, advocate for donations, help with the website, assist with paperwork, forms, and scheduling. The list goes on and on! There is as much or as little to do as you'd like. Please send us a message describing when you are available, why you are volunteering (school, community service, passionate about spaying and neutering...), and if there is a specific way you would really enjoy contributing.



​​Help make a difference and
sign up to volunteer today!


Success! Thank you so much for your interest! We genuinely appreciate you!

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